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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This few days,
I'm having lurch with my colleagues...
They've been treating me since last Friday...
Very pai say... haha...

Last Friday treat was...
Chicken rice from Hwee Hua
Mango Sago dessert from Aunt Lilian
Yesterday treat was...
Handmade Ban Mian from Aunt Jenny
and Today's treat was...
Mee Siam and
Raspberry Italian Soda from Huei Hong

I've also received some presents too...
A bag from Jolynn, Audrea and HuiBing
the very first present that I've got...
Handmade necklace and a pair of earrings
from Aunt Jenny...
and a wire handmade bicycle from
cleaner aunt...

I'm really very touched...
Really very appreciate...
6 months was really...
we are like a big family here...
love to work with them too
coz the people here are really nice...

But I've got a dream, a goal to achieve...
So no matter what...
I believe they will support me... haha...
and I'm looking forward to my new job...

Blogged By Sabrina

Friday, September 25, 2009
Last Day T_T

Today is one of my colleague,
Hwee Hua's last day of work @ NTUC Media.
She had decided to work as a housing agent...
Therefore, she had bought drinks, durian puffs,
strudets and bookmarks for everyone...
was so nice of her... and I really like the durian puff alot.

Thinking of last day, next Wednesday
will also be my last day @ NTUC Media too...
So, Aunt Lilian had take me out along with
Hwee Hua and Aunt Jenny for lurch...
We went to Banquet to eat chicken rice
then to dessert house to eat mango sago.
While eating the dessert,
the four of us decided to share money to buy TOTO...
First time to share money with colleague to buy TOTO...

Anyway... back to our topic...
Aunt Jenny had given me a very unique necklace
and a pair of earrings. It's all made by her...
So kind of her... Really like her very much...

Hmmm... Had to bring camera next Wed...
Coz want to take pics with the colleagues here.
oh ya... I've saw F1 race car here in the pantry...
The sound was really roaring very loudly...
But I only manage to take pokey dots of the pics
coz my phone zooming wasn't that good...
The sound that the car produce,
can really make ppl excited sia...

Blogged By Sabrina

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I feel so disappointed with Maomao.
He's been doing badly in school...
Never do homework...
Never bring his homework back...
Always late for school...
Has been playing games everyday...

It's like he didn't even bother
about his schoolwork nor
his PSLE which is just 14 days away.
He's just getting lazy and lazier...
Getting naughty and naughtier...

I thought he would motivate himself
but end up, it's all the disappointment
I've seen in him...
I really don't know what had happen,
why did he change so much...
and doesn't he care about his future?

These are all the questions I wanted
to ask him again and again....
Don't he know that his elder brother
will get him into big trouble???
OR should I say destroy his future if
he continues to talk to him???
Where all the topics are about games,
animes and so on...

I really don't understand what sort of
elder brother does he have...
Don't even know how to be considerate
and co-operative with the family members.
Teach his brother wrong things and just
when he was being scolded, he will push all
the blames to his younger brother.

19 years old already...
still don't know how to be more mature...
still don't know how to be considerate...
mouth always comes out vulgur...
haiz... I really don't know what should I do now...

Blogged By Sabrina

Money = Voice

Do you agree with this?
Money = Voice
More money = louder voice
Lesser money = smaller voice

I don't really agree to certain extent
coz in my family,
the lesser money you have,
the louder the voice is...
So it was like totally opposite...

I believe people outside my family,
they are like what has been describe.
Just like the XX of mine...
they are really rich, have big house,
clothes wore are really expensive,
so... their voice naturally becomes huge...

But in my house, it's totally different....
People who don't even go out work,
earn money back for the family,
the voice was louder than those
who had earns more money...

No contribution at all...
Rot all day at home...
Playing games...
Hands out when in need of money,
mouth opens when hungry...
Really useless...

I don't understand why,
He has got the cheek to rise his voice,
when he don't even have the
contribution to the family at all...
hai... really disappointed with this kind of ppl...

Blogged By Sabrina

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I've finally received my credit bureau
I was so shock when I receive cos...
I couldn't open the folder at all as...
it's being locked by a password...

End up, I just guess and key in a password,
and 'pop' I solve the big problem...
After opening the folder, I got another real shock.
This time was about the report...
It's like, it appears to be very different from
what I've expected it should be.
It's also way different from what I've search
from the internet, google....

I'm worry about if I received or
have I purchased the wrong thing...
I go around office just now, to ask the senior.
I wanted to learn more about credit bureau,
what is it for, what should be stated on it,
why need it...

End up, I got all the answers from
the CEO, financial side [Wilson]
He explain to me about all the things
that I wanted to know....

Therefore, in the end, I solved my doubts,
and had understand why is it that mine,
was so different compared to the internet one.

Most importantly....
I've also sent in my credit bureau to Anthony.
which solve some of my worries...

Blogged By Sabrina


All I have in mind now was worries, worries and more worries.
I can't help it by stop worrying this and that.
Especially to MBS, the mail that Anthony had sent me.
I was wondering what are they checking on now.
Was it bcoz of the amount of money I stated was too little
that they feel very weird about it?

Man... I'm really scared that there's really something wrong somewhere.
My heart was pounding really hard, really fast now...
I'm hoping now that everything will go fine at MBS application and
the CRA application. So that I can go to work at MBS...

I was also wondering now that why I still haven receive the credit bureau?
When then I will recieve it? coz it's now important to me as I gotta send out...
But now, the main thing was I still haven receive it and I don't even know
how am I going to send out the credit bureau to Anthony from MBS that soon.

I' m gonna cry out very soon... I really hope to get everything done asap.
So that I could get reply from them on when I can start work very soon.
Coz, I heard from Veronica that some of her senior
which was around my batch or earlier,
had already receive MBS calls and confirm the date for training starts.
Hope I could also receive the call soon...

Blogged By Sabrina

Sunday, September 20, 2009
What the Hell

Vincent had brought me out in the middle of the night.
He actually wanted to bring me out for a drink.
Then second thought was to go beach to see sunrise.
Third, to go eat something nice and delicious.
Fourth, to go watch a midnight show or play arcade.
Lastly, to go k-box to sing song...
So he let me think and choose one of the choice given.

End up, I choose the last choice given and that's to go k-box.
Therefore, we went to Cineleisure k-box to sing.
We reach at about 12 am then sing till 3am.
After that, we went to Geylang to eat supper...
It's really very cold at night sia... And I think I've got cold now.

Hai... Hope I could bring everything down asap.
Thought that I've actually put everything down.
But end up, the more he treats me good or
perhaps should say pampered me,
I can never let go that easily till I really wish that he's mine.

Blogged By Sabrina

Credit Bureau Report

I've received an email last Friday from MBS
It's about wanting me to submit credit bureau report.

man... I don't even know what's credit bureau report
and most importantly, I don't even know what's that for.
So, I was like going around to ask if anyone had receive
the same email as mine, so that I could know how to do.

But end up, there's no one receive the same email.
It's like I was sudden lost about why had I got the mail.
I was really very scare now, and I really don't know
what to do, where to get the thing and why do I receive it.

I'm scare that there's something wrong somewhere or,
have I filled in something very wrong...
I'm scare that I really can't get the job.
I'm scare that I will fail in this test...
Oh God... Please give me power, please help me
to pull thru every stage of test and let me able
to work in the casino...

I had went to JP today with ppa, mama and maomao.
The first thing I did when I reach JP was to
head down to Post Office to settle my credit bureau thing.
It's like I've finally settle it but I'm still scare about
the outcome of the whole thing.

Hope I can successfully get the job.
Good Luck to me ^o^

Blogged By Sabrina

Thursday, September 17, 2009
A Bdae Gift

I've finally bought a bdae gift for myself.
Which is the sony MP3.
Though I never go down to Comex but
I've got a representative there and that's

So appreciate her for helping me to get
the MP3 @ a very good price.
It's normal price sold there was $119
which is actually $10 cheaper than outside,
but end up she told me that if I buy 2,
it will be $99 each which is more cheaper.

Therefore, I told Xiao Yi about it
and at the same time, yan was helping me
to find one more person to help me
get the cheaper price.

End up, Yan bought 4 of them at one shot.
Cos she had already found a person whose
also want to buy and Xiao Yi bought 2,
which is for Jordan and Joell. haha...

I've chose the violet one cos it looks more
suitable on me when I wear it.
Jordan bought the same colour as mine
and Joell had chosen the same colour as Yan's
which is the lime green one. haha...
Cool right...

Okay... anyway, had also help the two kids
to charge their MP3 @ office already so as
to help them save electric and save time...
haha... if not I'm sure they will quarrel cos
both of them will need to charge two MP3
at the same time... hehe...

But I wonder should I help them
to insert songs too...

Blogged By Sabrina

Friday, September 11, 2009
On Second Thoughts

After thinking for few weeks,
I decided not to buy Polariod camera.
I decided to save the money up,
but a more surprisng camera.

Dah dah... It's Samsung ST500...

I feel that it's nice with
Front & back cam
12.4 Megapixel, etc...

As for my bdae present,
I decided to buy...

NWZ-W202: 2GB W Series MP3.
It comes in
Lime Green

Hmmm... Guess I will get the violet one.
But now... Main thing...
Should I get it from Comex 2009
Any Shops that sells it...
-_-''' Must think carefully
& check twice for the cost...

Blogged By Sabrina

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Goals In Life

One of my colleague had told me to think for future
Whether I really want to work in the casino.
No matter is a start from dealer or not.
Coz she feels that the career doesn't have
a very good future in long term.
She feels that with an excellent cert and
good career like banking or so, will then have
better future especially in network line.

Though she got the point
having a good career will have better future,
I don't see why being a dealer
doesn't have a good future.
I too could promote though I know it won't be that easy
but I will bulk up for it.

She say, I won't learn much there,
no human networking and so on
But I don't think so...
Coz I feel that I will learn;
How to handle players & staff...
How to communicate with players & staff
How to handle & solve difficult problems...
Making quick & accurate decisions...

She told me that don't ever take dreams as a job,
it can never be realistic...
But then, I'm not taking it as a dream or hobby...
I'm true and really wanted to work in the casino.
It's my interest and this is where I found the real me.
I like the job. It can not only learn things,
and it also can entertain people...
So, why not?

My goals in life had never be so clear-cut before
till I start studying in ICG.
This is the areas, the place where
I wanted to build my career ladder on.
A place where I really wanted to commit in.
Nevermind if I start as a dealer or the salary was lower...
Work hard, do things properly, don't make mistakes,
take it easy, don't rush, make quick & accurate decisions...
I believe I can make it to the top.
Jia You !!!

Blogged By Sabrina

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Deleted Or No???

I've decided to delete away his HP no.
I've decided to keep all the beautiful memories
that I've got with him...

But deep in my heart, have i really put down?
Guess no... cos I'm still waiting here,
hoping his return or so...

He msg me last night, telling me that he miss me.
Even his girl was beside him, he doesn't care...
Though I hope it's real, but deep in my heart,
I don't believe him at all...
Thinking he's just flirting around with me...

Had called him during lurch time just now...
But he off his phone...
I couldn't reach him at all...
I was so disappointed and hurt...
I just hope I could get over this soon and get recovered.
Hope he will do fine and take good care of himself...
& I wanted to say sorry to him for can't help him at all.

I'm meeting Raj tonight at Bishan...
I didn't tell Vincent about it...
Cos I don't want him to think too much...
Hope nothing bad will happen... haha...

Blogged By Sabrina

Monday, September 7, 2009
Let Go

Think it's time for me to learn how to let go...
I've been thinking quite alot these few days...
I don't think I've got a future with Vincent...
And most importantly, he has got a girlfriend,
and I think he's going to put his commitment in her.

For me, I'm just a nobody but just a backup.
I could feel that his feeling towards me has change,
it wasn't like before already...
He wasn't that caring anymore... His feeling has faded...

He needs his girlfriend more than he needs me...
She was more suitable to take care and worry for him
and his family more than me...
They are meant to be together and I'm just a 3rd party...

Though I feel very hurt, it's really painful for me to let go...
But if I really do love him, I think I should let go...
Coz, letting go doesn't means that I don't love him
but to give him his freedom... I hope he understands...
But I know he doesn't care about this... cos he has changed...

It's time for me to gain my freedom, happiness back...
I need to find back all the enjoyable time that I've missed...
I need to do all those things that I longed to do...
I gonna enjoy myself, love myself more and more...
I must learn to be brave... I need to step forward...
I gotta challenge myself to the highest point/ limit...

I don't want to think about relationships
I want to heal myself
I want to plan for my future...
I must do it... So jia you!!!

Blogged By Sabrina

Friday, September 4, 2009
idiots... useless...

I'm so damn angry today...
all this is bcoz of a guy on the MRT.
It's like he's really an idiot lor,
there's an old man standing beside me
and the moment when I saw 'that' empty seat,
I quickly turned to the old man to ask him to have that seat
but end up, this idiot man sit down.
Really damn useless coz he's only a station away,
to his distanation but he still sits down
and not allowing the old man to sit.

Really... I've found that men nowadays,
don't even know what's courtesy...
don't know how to give way,
and let ppl in need to have a seat.
Somemore still have the cheek to make noise,
when the person was blocking his way out,
especially to those pregnant women.
Coz of they are carrying babies,
and afraid ppl will push them and hit the pole,
they normally tend to stand more to the center.
Thus, block most of the way and
make them difficult to move away.

I really feel that ppl should change their attitude.
Let ppl in need to have the seats.
Coz I believe, when you help ppl now,
in the future, others will help you back.
What's more, it won't kill in helping ppl but
you will feel unusual happy too...

Blogged By Sabrina

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Licence from CRA

Had receive email from MBS on Tuesday night.
It's regarding the application form for Gaming Licence.
Was now headache about it coz i can't be able to email it to MBS.
*faint* -_-'''

Anyway, I'm going down to Mountbatten Square tml noon...
So that i could settle everything asap...
Don't like to drag it for too long...
was also excited about it too...

Tonight when i reach home will try again,
to see if I can send my form successfully or not.
Please god, please let everything goes very smoothly for me...
Jia You!!!

Blogged By Sabrina