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Friday, March 2, 2012
Sian ar...

Haix... I felt so sian and meaningless right after I got to know that I failed my marketing exams. Argh!!! Sian sia, I gotta re-exam again and what's worst of all... I seems not to have enough time to study for the three modules now. shit...

OMG... Why do I fail my marketing sia... I just smashed all my arrangements for the year myself. I got no choice but to blame myself for not putting much more efforts in doing my exams. I gonna plan my schedule for revising already... If not I'm afraid I might fail all three modules. Jia you...

Hmmm... Think I also need some powers too... haha... alright then, time to do some plannings cya...

Blogged By Sabrina

Thursday, January 26, 2012
2012 CNY

Yeah!!!! Happy Chinese New Year everybody. Indeed, it's really another year passed if you are talking about lunar calendar like what the elderly says. Hehe...

Anyway, had been enjoying this CNY. Enjoy eating all day long... Especially the abalones... Haha... Yummy...

Ok a few pics to share

Blogged By Sabrina

Thursday, January 19, 2012
Mood and feeling

Hmm... Recently hasn't been in the correct mood and feeling to go work. All I wanna do is to stay home, do facial, manicure and pedicure, doing some wedding stuff, to pack up some of the stuff so that I can keep my and future home super clear. Haha...

I surely know that whenever my mood and feelings is not right or feeling super low, dear dear is the only key person to make me a happy sab sab. Hehe...

Hmm... A letter to a friend. If he can really read this, I hope he can understand how lousy he can treat a friend. What a super liar he has been to me. Guilty is what he told me that he's feeling towards me for being such a good and true friend to him. Sad but I got to admit that I got a super down and low eyesight ever since I've resigned from MBS. I just feel stupid to treat him so good.

Blogged By Sabrina

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
10th day of 2012

It's the 10th day of 2012...
And I got my first mc already...
Haix... what a bad weather...

Am thinking of giving a new change to my blog
but what should I change to... hmmm... Super good question.

It's been fast and I'm school reopen again. Next 2 modules coming up
and left with the last 2 modules. Hopefully I can just pass everything in one shot
then I won't have to headache of anything...

At work, everything is just the same except that there are more POs resigning and
perhaps by Feb, there are only left with 2 POs. FAA hasn't got much changes except
that there's more politics than ever.

For me... Haha...
Just get thru this year, get my Diploma, driving license hopefully by this year,
preparing the special wedding for myself and dear dear and then be a beautiful bride.

Blogged By Sabrina

Saturday, December 31, 2011
Last day of 2011

It's the last day of 2011 today.
Hmm....Last day of 2011, it's a time to think back what have I done for the year 2011.
Good, bad, great, anything that I've yet to do, or any goals I've already done... How do I spend my 2011 and what lessons have I learned.Next, I will have to think how am I going to spend my 2012. Hehe...
Ok... Let's see 2011, what activities I've got...
Hmm... Let's start summarize the whole 2011.
1. Transferred from TPY site office to Bukit Merah head office
2. Met a lot of political colleagues and was being very unkind and unhelpful
3. Made friends with head office FAA & PO, Dear Cecilia, Irene, Julia, Eric Lau and Dave
4. Had got my BTO flat in Aug
5. Learn to be smart in working, must ask whenever you don't know6. Know the true faces of some idiot that spoil my 20117. Completed
6 diploma modules and passed 4 of them, still awaiting for another 2 result
7. Had planned to get married in 2012
8. The best part of all!!! I've got my BTT passed as my bdae gift
9. I got a very good bdae surprise from dear dear
10. Met 2 very friendly and cute part-timers Siew Lin and Miaw Ching
11. Went to 3 wedding dinner, had roughly got the idea of how should I plan for my wedding
And many more
And for 2012, I guess it's a very super busy year for me.
1. Preparing my dream wedding
2. Get my diploma
3. Learn basic Korean
4. Get my driving license
5. Paint my room
6. Decorate maomao room
And more to come...

Blogged By Sabrina

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Jialat already!!! I'm putting on weight and the worst part of all is... All the fats are accumulated around my face. I look so chubby now and the stupid double chin. Haix...

Think I'm gonna go in diet and do more exercise right now if now I will be to put on more weight for sure de. Which I do want it to happen...

This is so scary and the worst nightmare for me. I can't imagine to be a fat bride on my wedding photography and so on. I don't want that to happen sia.

Gotta start planning on what should I do to slim down now.

The next thing is this stupid job that I have now... WTF!!! Once kristie is not around that irritating Joyce kept coming to me and ask me do so many things. She really an ass man. Hate her... I really hope I can find a new job already coz I don't feel like staying here anymore. It's just wasting the effort that I once put in. Haix...

What should I do now?

Blogged By Sabrina

Monday, November 14, 2011
A mth of 25

Time just really flies, it's a month ever
since my bdae passed... Being 25 for a month doesn't really have much difference actually. I'm still like a small kid to my dear dear. Haha...

But things got worse between me and my mum due to we don't have really good temper. Neither of us will step back to let each other have face. Haix...

At work, still the same old thing. Busy busy busy... But money will never add. Haha... But things got abit different in school coz next month I'm gonna have my final exam already. Feeling nervous and excited too... Must really work hard for my exam. It's already half way thru I believe I can make it. Jia you!!!

Oh ya... Just created a new blog for me and dear dear. But still haven really set up yet. Will post it up once it's really.

Emm... Not forgetting to update on my wedding thingy.. Have settled down on my banquet le. Haha... So getting excited right now :)

Blogged By Sabrina